Freezing Wiki

King draco King draco 20 February 2020

What the Freezing Creator is up to

I know its been a while since last freezing update not sure if its because he would be overworked or if the new publisher said he can only work on one series at a time but Lim Dall young has been working on a new series called "Defective Goddess' Genesis of Another World". If you are interested in what this is all about here is a link to the raws 

So if you're waiting for something that has the same art style as freezing and you really like lim dall young there you go.

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Tdfern14 Tdfern14 4 February 2020

Freezing Extension game

Can some one try to put more info on the game and as well as info on the game exclusive characters?

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Zonnie The Runner Zonnie The Runner 12 May 2019

Important Announcement

Chebbycraft34 is making sockpuppets! everyone can adopt this wiki!

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Xavr02162 Xavr02162 15 July 2018

Freezing crossovers with other animes than gurren lagaan!

Welcome, eevee2011 i need your help for an idea for a cross over and i also helped you a blog or article so please i need you and other people on this wiki please respond! 

P.S. this is a idea not a demand so need ideas please help!

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GodricKharg GodricKharg 4 June 2018

Freezing c217 released.

Satellizer is fired up to teach the Goddesses a thing or two, will she succeed in causing any damage? Freezing continues in chapter 217.

Grab it on irc from with trigger !fz217 or read it on our reader[1] (soon).

Drop in, give thanks and don't forget to support the mangaka's by purchasing the work when it becomes available in your area.

Join the FreezingChat discord here Join the LetItGo discord here

Please note, the magazine does NOT have chapter titles.

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GodricKharg GodricKharg 25 February 2018

Freezing c215 is released

Satellizer is called upon to assist Kazuya as the Chevalier and Nova battle threatens to descend upon the school. Who else has accepted the call to travel, to the "Transcendent world"? Freezing continues in chapter 215.

Grab it on irc from with trigger !fz215 or read it on our reader[1].

Drop in, give thanks and don't forget to support the mangaka's by purchasing the work when it becomes available in your area.

Join the FreezingChat discord here Join the LetItGo discord here

Please note, the magazine does NOT have chapter titles.

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GodricKharg GodricKharg 6 August 2017

Freezing c210 released!

Kazuya has an audience with Maria, meanwhile West Genetics begins to mobilize the Pandora but... Freezing continues in chapter 210.

For more information visit

Please note, the magazine does NOT have chapter titles. I will now leave them blank until we get the volumes and can fill that in.

Looks like c211 will be out soon. ComicGT already has 2 parts, so we expect it in Comic-Valkyrie soon.

I was asked for this so...

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Still Melancholy Still Melancholy 7 July 2017

To March Forward Chapter 6 (Freezing Fanfic)

Sorry for the extremely long wait. When my computer died, I lost a bunch of login info, including my wiki account. Had no choice but to make a new one.

In brighter news today's raw chapter has inspired me to write more. So next chapter might be out soon.

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GodricKharg GodricKharg 2 July 2017

Freezing Colour Edition c2 released.

The Untouchable Queen (2), Satellizer lost Carnival, now Genessa wants to lock in her win, will Kazuya step in? Get the story in Freezing Colour chapter 2.

Visit for more information.

Drop in, give thanks and don't forget to support the mangaka's by purchasing the work when it becomes available in your area.

Still slowly working on it. Special thanks to DarkrRain over at for lending access to uncensored RAWs. I think they'll make a huge difference.

No idea how fast the releases on this will be. Also, I don't really have access to paid chapters. So if anyone can contribute those, it'd be appreciated.

Get over the u in Colour... I'm Canadian eh?

Happy Canada D'eh!!

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GodricKharg GodricKharg 24 June 2017

Freezing DVD special chapter 1 released

Satellizer - Satellizer's a girl too!, Satella's life is hard, especially just after carnival. She decides to try a new product but... Get the story in Special chapter 1.

Visit for more information.

Drop in, give thanks and don't forget to support the mangaka's by purchasing the work when it becomes available in your area.

Still waiting on a new release from Comic-Valkyrie.

Remember, rumours are rumours and we know nothing until Comic-Valkyrie releases a news notice.

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GodricKharg GodricKharg 10 June 2017

Freezing c209 released.

Unknown World IV(?), Kazuya holds the Nova in place and attempts to gather the Rounders assistance. Meanwhile, West Genetics must prepare for War? Freezing continues in chapter 209.

For more information visit

Please note, the magazine does NOT have chapter titles. I opted to use 'Unknown World IV', as it seems to fit, at least tentatively. We also plan on getting the tankobon and fixing these small details up later.

The originating publisher has finally published July 2017 as the month when Freezing will come off Hiatus. I'm sure we can't wait...

Vexed has also promised to work on the two season 2 Omake chapters that came with Japan's release of Freezing Vibration.

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GodricKharg GodricKharg 15 May 2017

Freezing RAWs needed. On the hunt?

Okay, so I had a little bird whisper in my ear today on one of the many boards I am on, asking if I knew about this and I didnt.

There is apparently a "Freezing" sound track of some sort out there that came with at least 'two' side stories. One being Amelia, another being Satella and Levon Brooks.

While the Levon Brooks incident has already been covered in the Zero series, I'd love to be able to present the translator with these and get them done as well.

As such, my google-fu has in the last hour failed me. If anyone has any leads, it would be appreciated. (BTW, I don't really do torrent, so they COULD be there, I just have not looked yet.)

Please contact me here, or in the discord server and it'd be even more helpful if you could provide …

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GodricKharg GodricKharg 7 May 2017

Freezing DVD Volume 3 special chapter released.

Rana - Kazuya Belongs To Me!, Kazuya is deep in thought wondering about the girls' feelings when Rana crawls in his window. Get the story in Special chapter 3.

Visit for more information.

Drop in, give thanks and don't forget to support the mangaka's by purchasing the work when it becomes available in your area.

Still waiting on a new release from Comic-Valkyrie.

Remember, rumours are rumours and we know nothing until Comic-Valkyrie releases a news notice.

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GodricKharg GodricKharg 17 April 2017

Freezing DVD Volume 2 special chapter released.

Ganessa - A night to go all the way, Movie night for Ganessa and Arthur, mix in some booze.. oh no, what movie did he pick? Get the story in Special chapter 2.

Visit for more information.

Drop in, give thanks and don't forget to support the mangaka's by purchasing the work when it becomes available in your area.

Still waiting on a new release from Comic-Valkyrie.

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GodricKharg GodricKharg 1 April 2017

Freezing c208 released.

Unknown World III, Louis and Kazuya attend the festivities in Eluka where a Nova is center stage, but... Freezing continues in chapter 208.

For more information visit

I'm still working on some Omake's and trying to get Freezing Colour going. Anyone who knows how to translate KR-EN please drop me a line.

Drop in, give thanks and don't forget to support the mangaka's by purchasing the work when it becomes available in your area.

Please note, the magazine does NOT have chapter titles. I opted to use 'Unknown World III', as it seems to fit, tentatively. We also plan on getting the tankobon and fixing these small details up later.

The original publisher still has yet to release a new chapter. "Sometime this sprin…

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Seraphius1994 Seraphius1994 30 March 2017

Freezing: The Warden's Oath (Fanfiction)

Hello fellow Freezing fans!

I know everyone is waiting painfully for LDM to updating the Freezing series. I've noticed that a lot of people seems to dislike Kazuya Aoi at an extreme degree and I completely understand where everyone is coming from on this. So while the wait for a new Freezing chapter continues, would anybody be willing to read my fanfic, "Freezing: The Warden's Oath"?

This fanfic is my version of the Freezing franchise with a unique plotline, which follows the main storyline while also diverging into custom arcs. I would be happy if anybody is interested in reading it. If you don't like it, then it's fine. The only thing I ask is that everybody helps by giving me useful advice to make it better. Thank you and I hope you enjoy…

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GodricKharg GodricKharg 5 March 2017

Freezing Colour Edition c1 released.

The Untouchable Queen, You've read it once, if not many times. Now read it in colour... Get the story in Freezing Webtoon chapter 1.

Visit for more information.

Drop in, give thanks and don't forget to support the mangaka's by purchasing the work when it becomes available in your area.

I've been working on this slowly since I learned that it was even DONE as a webtoon. Its taken that long. I've 'borrowed' the translation from the original japanese edition for the time being. I would really appreciate a KR-EN translator to at least check it...

No idea how fast the releases on this will be. Also, I don't really have access to paid chapters. So if anyone can contribute those, it'd be appreciated.

Get over th…

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GodricKharg GodricKharg 4 March 2017

Freezing DVD Volume 4 special chapter released.

Elizabeth, Elizabeth's Splendid Holiday, Elizabeth has a day off to spend with her family. Get the story in Special chapter 4.

Visit for more information.

Drop in, give thanks and don't forget to support the mangaka's by purchasing the work when it becomes available in your area.

Oh yea, and we should be working on the other two chapters in the coming month also.

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Verdant Melancholy Verdant Melancholy 3 March 2017

To March Forward Chapter 5 (Freezing fanfic)

Here's the next chapter. Sorry for the long wait.

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GodricKharg GodricKharg 18 February 2017

Freezing DVD Omake c5 released

Arnett, Wake up Morrison, Morrison has doubts, Arnet puts him in his place... Get the story in Special chapter 5.

Visit for more information.

Yes, these will be released out of order. Each short story is self contained so you do not have to worry about two parters...

Drop in, give thanks and don't forget to support the mangaka's by purchasing the work when it becomes available in your area.

So, apparently LDY has been ill, and we should see new chapters sometime in the spring. Between now and May 2017. At least we have somethin 'fresh' to escape into with the omakes?

Oh yea, and we should be working on the other two chapters in the coming month too.

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GodricKharg GodricKharg 6 February 2017

Freezing c207 released.

Unknown World II, Satellizer senses something is amiss, Satellizer vs Yi Suna?

For more information visit

I'm still working on some Omake's and trying to get Freezing Colour going. Anyone who knows how to translate KR-EN please drop me a line.

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GodricKharg GodricKharg 22 January 2017

Freezing DVD Omake c6 released

Cassie, This Pandora wants to be an author, but she never lets anyone read until... Get the story in Special chapter 6.

Visit for more information.

Yes, these will be released out of order. Each short story is self contained so you do not have to worry about two parters...

Drop in, give thanks and don't forget to support the mangaka's by purchasing the work when it becomes available in your area.

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JMac14 JMac14 14 January 2017

Freezing fiction

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GodricKharg GodricKharg 8 January 2017

Freezing c206 released

Unknown World I, The experiment thrusts Kazuya into another world, will he survive his first encounter with...

For more information visit

I'm still working on some Omake's and trying to get Freezing Colour going. Anyone who knows how to translate KR-EN please drop me a line.

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GodricKharg GodricKharg 26 December 2016

Christmas release.

So, I got it done, its a very simple short chapter for CHristmas.

I've been bugging the translator to work on this for what feels like months, and now, without further delay. I present.

The Chevalier Holiday..

You can find the link's to it here.

PS. It's a really mild chapter...

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JMac14 JMac14 25 December 2016

Merry Christmas to everybody on the Freezing wiki!

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Redlawyers Redlawyers 10 December 2016

Freezing: Sovereign, Accede Destiny Chapter 11 uploaded

Just uploaded Chapter 11 for my FanFic story.

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GodricKharg GodricKharg 10 December 2016

Freezing c205 released.

He Who Accepts Fate. Kazuya comes to a decision with Satella's help, while Gengo plans the next step... Freezing continues in Chapter 205.

Grab it on irc from with Trigger: !fz205 or or read it on

Drop in, give thanks and don't forget to support the mangaka's by purchasing the work when it becomes available in your area.

Hoping for some Freezing omake stuff over the holidays.

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Verdant Melancholy Verdant Melancholy 8 December 2016

To March Forward Chapter 4 (Freezing fanfic)

Here's the next chapter!

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Verdant Melancholy Verdant Melancholy 27 November 2016

To March Forward Chapter 3 (Freezing Fanfic)

This chapter is a bit heavier on the exposition than the first two so I hope it's not too clunky. Enjoy.

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GodricKharg GodricKharg 27 November 2016

Freezing PLS c12 released

Roxanne Elipton x Han Shijin. Roxanne has her eyes on a limiter candidate, the only problem is he's not to thrilled. About being a limiter... Freezing Pair Love Stories concludes with chapter 12. Enjoy.

Join us in irc to grab a zip file or read it on the official reader site

Watch for chapter 205 of Freezing in two weeks.

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JMac14 JMac14 24 November 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!

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Verdant Melancholy Verdant Melancholy 19 November 2016

To March Forward Chapter 2 (Freezing Fanfic)

Disclaimer: Don't own Freezing. Just a fan.

Inner thoughts

Message text

Chapter 2: Hate in the Heart

0600 Hours, June 2, 2068 (Military Calendar) / Mirai Army Headquarters, Department of Science Living Quarters.

Despite having fallen asleep without setting an alarm, Amelia Evans woke up ten-minutes earlier than she normally did.

Staring at the ceiling, her mind slowly but surely overcame the lethargic blanket coating her thoughts and sapping her energy. It took a few moments but eventually she forced herself to get up. She swung herself out of bed and preceded to stretch out her neck. The beds afforded to officers like herself were high quality and well made yet did nothing to soothe her restless sleeping. She had not had a good night's rest sin…

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GodricKharg GodricKharg 14 November 2016

Freezing c204 released

Their Decisions. Platoon 13 is gathered to learn more from Yumi Kim when Suna interrupts. The entire platoon has some choices to make... Freezing continues in Chapter 204.

Grab it on irc from with Trigger: !fz204 or or read it on

Drop in, give thanks and don't forget to support the mangaka's by purchasing the work when it becomes available in your area.

Watch for Freezing PLS finale in two weeks approx.

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Verdant Melancholy Verdant Melancholy 12 November 2016

To March Forward Chapter 1 (Freezing Fanfic)

I saw the discussion about fanfiction and since this wiki is a huge help when writing fanfiction, I thought I'd show my appreaciation by sharing. Enjoy

Disclaimer: Don't own Freezing. Just a fan.

Inner thoughts

Chapter 1: What is Left?

2200 Hours, May 19, 2068 (Military Calendar) / Mirai Army Headquarters, West Genetics Special Forces Barracks

Satellizer had never been so happy to see her bed before. After sixteen hours of being on duty, she was ready to pass out and sleep forever. Fortune seemed to favor her too, as there was no sign of her bunkmate anywhere. Satellizer loved her friend to death, but God did she need to rest.

Unfortunately, keeping routine took priority over sleep.

Trudging through the door of her room, Satellizer dumped her gea…

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GodricKharg GodricKharg 12 November 2016


Good news and bad news.

Bad news is I had my surgery, good news is it went well

Bad news is they told me I'm laid up for at least a week or two. While the surgery went well I'm in A LOT of pain for a procedure that was done laparoscopically. Dozen staples etc, 5+ hours.

Good news is the next chapter of freezing is nearly ready for release, it just needs a final qc and packaging... so I hope to get to it sometime this weekend, assuming I can tolerate sitting up for more than five minutes.

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Redlawyers Redlawyers 9 November 2016

Freezing FanFiction by redlawyers

I do not own anything related to Freezing, its characters or topics related to the Manga or Anime. All credit goes to Lim Dall-Young for inspiring me to write in this dynamic universe. This is just my imagination of what the future of the series could be like. All OC are of my own creation.

A working website companion is finally online and available: HERE It's still a work in progress.

Freezing: Accede Destiny Book 1 Read Freezing: Accede Destiny Book 1 It's the year 2090. Humanity's mortal enemy, the NOVA, have vanished. The training of Pandora has shifted to supplementing the worlds' military forces. Enter Summer El Bridget-Aoi; on the surface, she's just a normal girl, but the more people get to know her, they discover she harbors a myste…

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GodricKharg GodricKharg 29 October 2016

Freezing Zero c38 released. - END

Rana Linchen IV, Luna must accept the consequences of her actions, but they include fighing her sister? Freezing Zero concludes in chapter 38.

More details are here

Next: Freezing: 204 (two weeks)

Yes, we missed a couple regular scheduled releases. I apologise for this.

Please keep in mind I will be prepping c204 shortly along with a number of other series, as I will be in for another surgery November 9th and be expected to be kept for recovery for at least 2-3 days. (It's minor surgery this time around).

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GodricKharg GodricKharg 19 September 2016

Freezing c203 released.

A New Door. Gengo shares some details of Operation Exit Revenant, while Kazuya and Satellizer converse about... Freezing continues in chapter 203.

Grab it on irc from with Trigger: !fz203 or or read it on

Drop in, give thanks and don't forget to support the mangaka's by purchasing the work when it becomes available in your area.

Watch for Freezing Zero c38 in two weeks.

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GodricKharg GodricKharg 3 September 2016

Freezing Zero c37 released

Rana Linchen III, Luna must protect the clans holy land from a developer, however with them are Pandora? Freezing Zero continues in chapter 37.

More details are here

Next: Freezing: 203 (?)

Our schedule is a bit out of wack. I really don't know what will be out in 2 weeks.

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GodricKharg GodricKharg 21 August 2016

Freezing c202 released.

Mother. Gengo and Su-Na converse about the future, while Kazuya gets depressed over the fact he's not a normal human, meanwhile... Freezing continues in chapter 202.

Grab it in irc on or read it on Check the blog at

Either way, drop in, say hi, and give thanks for your favorite Manga.

Please don't forget to buy the official releases once they are available in your area.

I know two weeks I said it would be Freezing Zero, however translation has had to slow down a bit and its script wasn't ready in time. (See? This is why I keep at least one or two being worked on) Look for c37 of Freezing Zero in two weeks. (honestly, I'm 99.99999% sure this time!)

Still looking at work…

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GodricKharg GodricKharg 7 August 2016

Freezing c201 released.

Evolution. Chevalier continues to conspire against Gengo while the man himself makes plans to save humanity... Freezing continues in chapter 201.

Grab it in irc on or read it on Check the blog at

Either way, drop in, say hi, and give thanks for your favorite Manga.

Please don't forget to buy the official releases once they are available in your area.

That's it, for the most part our celebration is over. Look for c37 of Freezing Zero in two weeks.

I have a handful of OVA/omake type stuff too, very small 3-5 chapters stories if I can ever get them translated, I'll get those out.

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GodricKharg GodricKharg 23 July 2016

Freezing Zero c36 released.

Chapter 36 of Freezing Zero is released.

Rana Linchen II, Rana seeks out her sister who's shocked to hear... Ono falls ill. Freezing Zero continues in chapter 36.

More details are here

Next: Freezing: 201 - Evolution

LetItGo.Scans is now a full year. Have a drink and celebrate!

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GodricKharg GodricKharg 9 July 2016

Freezing c200 released.

Arcadia. Gengo has returned to West Genetics, however his Trump card, awake, is off to find her brother... Freezing continues in chapter 200.

Grab it in irc on or read it on Check the blog at

Either way, drop in, say hi, and give thanks for your favorite Manga.

Please don't forget to buy the official releases once they are available in your area.

In two weeks we will start celebrating 1 year as a group. If any of you are skilled artists we'll accept various entries to be included with our next few releases from July 24th to Aug 6th. What will be released will be determined at that point. (I might just double up on at least one release of Freezing during that time)

I als…

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GodricKharg GodricKharg 24 June 2016

Freezing c199 released.

Coming of the War Princess. Gengo has returned to West Genetics to activate his trump card, only to find she has already awaken... Freezing continues in chapter 199.

Grab it in irc on or read it on Check the blog at

Either way, drop in, say hi, and give thanks for your favorite Manga.

Please don't forget to buy the official releases once they are available in your area.

Two weeks, we'll decide to release Freezing Zero c36. Chapter is cleaned, just waiting on the translation. Then its back for Freezing c200.

To any artists up there, Let It Go scans is celebrating 1 year July 21st, if you know how to draw, toss us a sketch, b&w or full colour, the best will be included wit…

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GodricKharg GodricKharg 10 June 2016

Freezing Zero c35 Released.

Chapter 35 of Freezing Zero is released.

Rana Linchen I, The Kunlun clan has a secret, and Chevalier wants to know more... Freezing Zero continues in c35.

More details are here

Next: Freezing: c199 - Coming of the War Princess

Coming up is LetItGo Scans' 1 year anniversary. Details on site and in releases.

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GodricKharg GodricKharg 27 May 2016

Freezing c198 released.

Noise. Kazuya's defeated the Nova with the help of Arnett, Elizabeth and Satellizer. With communications restored, they rush to help Rana, however they arrive to find... Freezing continues in chapter 198.

Grab it in irc on or read it on[1]. Check the blog at LetItGo-Scans[2].

Either way, drop in, say hi, and give thanks for your favorite Manga.

Please don't forget to buy the official releases once they are available in your area.

Two weeks, we'll decide to release Freezing Zero c35. Chapter is cleaned, just waiting on the translation. Then its back for Freezing c199.

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GodricKharg GodricKharg 14 May 2016

Freezing Pair Love Stories c11 Released

A tale of Kannadzuki Miyabi x The Kannadzuki Guard.

When Lady Miyabi meets a new freshmen, he reminds her of a time from her past but...

Read it at the groups official online reader for more information.

Be back in two weeks for Freezing c198.

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GodricKharg GodricKharg 1 May 2016

Freezing c197 Released (FINALLY)

Today we release Freezing 197. (finally)

Turning Point. Will Kazuya's awakening, and his new found power help him save those important to him, or is it the beginning of new problems?

Grab it in irc on or read it on[1]. Check the blog at LetItGo-Scans[2].

Either way, drop in, say hi, and give thanks for your favorite Manga.

Please don't forget to buy the official releases once they are available in your area.

Two weeks, we'll decide to release Freezing PLS c11, or Freezing Zero c35. We'll then return to them main series in another two.

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GodricKharg GodricKharg 15 April 2016

Freezing Pair Love Stories c10 released

Freezing PLS c10 is released. Holly Rose and Louis el Bridgette Part II. (The completion)

Go deeper into the relationship of Holly Rose and the limiter everyone love to hate. Louis el Bridgette.

Please read it from the 'official' online reader, and leave comments on our website (reading link on our website).

Side note: Translation has begun on the main series again. The tankubon should be released end of April and this will allow us to move faster with it.

I'm considering alternating from Main series to the spin-off to give everyone a little more of the main series.

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